Looking back on these 6 weeks, I can really appreciate what Senior Project has done for me. Before I began this project, I was just a picky kid that has always loved sports but always wanted to take it to the next level, and now, that’s exactly what I did. Sports is something that I have always loved. From my very first tee ball game when I was in kindergarten to my final few basketball games as my high school career comes to an end, a love of sports has made me the person I am today. Being an athlete as a teenager, I can admittedly say that I have not taken great care of my body. Whether it’s not eating enough greens or protein, or eating too much junk food, I found myself being “fit”, but still not in great shape. What I expected to learn and what I did learn was how to more or less live a healthy life. I had to change so much about the way I previously ate and lived, and correct these imbalances to the point where my body was feeling a lot better. My essential question is: How does living a healthy lifestyle affect someone athletically, and additionally affect other aspects of their life and how does changing a diet strengthen the mind-muscle connection within one’s body? Personally, I more or less knew that my essential question would remain the same over the 6 weeks, but what my biggest question I had to face was whether or not I would be able to push myself. Overall this project really pushed me to my limits as an athlete and changed me as a person. It takes a lot of discipline to push yourself to your limits in the weight room, and personally the harder part for me was to eat completely foriegn and new foods to make sure my body has what it takes to recover. Over the past 6 weeks, I was able to create lasting habits and truly change the way I live my life. What I want to leave with others when I go off to college is just to say it is possible. That all the picky, skinny kids just like me can really put in the work and change their lives for the better.