Sara Brodsky – Critical Reflection 5

Critical Reflection 5


  • What have you discovered about your process, your habits?
  • Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question.


I have discovered that I have lots of ambitious goals for this project, however, some of them aren’t completely able to be completed. I have discovered that it really helps to get up and make the goal to get out of the house early enough to go on a long walk and then come home and journal, read or collect images. I’ve been able to visit a lot of the parks near me such as Prospect Park, Central Park, Washington Square Park, Tompkins Square Park, Union Square Park, Madison Square Park, and Pelham Bay Park. I have been taking my film camera out on many days and I take a roll and then go to the color house in the evening or the next morning to get it developed. I had a plan of creating a photography book, which I’ve been able to do, and a video, and I wanted to participate in a community garden. Although I might still join a community garden for fun sometime, I wasn’t able to start doing that during my senior project due to lack of time. I also wasn’t able to read every single book and text completely through, although I was able to read the most important ones. My habits were much better when I set myself a time. I woke up every morning, I meditated for 20 minutes, and then I set my day up. I made sure to get to some park every day, and I made sure to walk there. Depending on my schedule, I wish I had more time to spend more days on the long, timeless walks in Central Park, which was especially nice.

Now, I’m going to focus on creating my video and getting my final photography project together. I have also been doing some collage work inspired by my experiences and everything I’ve been reading and thinking about. I’m curious to try more printmaking, however, I’m not sure I will have the time. Regardless, I will be showing a photography/art book along with a short video to document. I found an old VHS camera and I have been using that to film some parts of the video I want to show, and it took a while to get the tape digitized but now that I got it, it looks really cool and I’m excited to explore my essential question within these art forms.



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