On Monday I helped my uncle with his strawberry research. We harvested all the strawberries from each plot, then weighed and averaged the berries to determine productiveness, and then we juiced the berries and got a brick reading which is basically sugar percentage. Each plot/ row was different verities getting different fertilizers and different levels of calcium and many different factors. I continued picking asparagus daily and also started picking strawberries every day (about 10-30 quarts picked a day). I did a bunch of seeding in the greenhouse for watermelons. Our first seeding was not great, and only about 60/75% of the seeds grew well so we had to do more to make up for the bad seed return rate. We did a ton of planting in the fields this week, Tomatoes, bell papers, hot peppers, eggplant, kale, rosemary, basil, swiss chard, etc. I mowed more straw and did more pruning in the high tunnels. I also installed more trickle line irrigation for the blackberries and hazelnut trees, because it had been really hot and dry for about two weeks and the plants needed water.