Clare Cunningham – Critical Reflection #6

I think I’ve done a good job with my project overall. While it was definitely harder than I thought it would be to stay focused on the work I had to do, I’m proud of what I accomplished, This project has definitely taught me how to work without deadlines. I’ve learned that I need to space out my work and not try to do super hard work all the time and space out my work with easier tasks so that I’m not burnt out. I’ve definitely learned from senior project that I want to do something with writing in college because it’s something I really enjoy. I’ve also learned that while I think I’m a good writer, I have a lot to improve on as a writer. For my project I wrote very vulnerable pieces. While I’m a little nervous about sharing my pieces with everyone, I want to be able to be raw and real in my pieces so that people can relate to them. At first, I was planning on reading and writing for six hours a day, 5 days a week. Only a few days after I started my project though, I realized that this was way too much so I decided to work 4 hours a day for 7 days a week. This worked for me much better. I learned to adjust my expectations and grapple with the fact that I’m not superhuman and that’s okay; I’m not gonna be able to work 6 hours a day and that’s alright. My mental health during the senior project was not great, as a person who struggles with anxiety, and thus this made it harder to stay focused while working. Despite it all though, I was able to accomplish a fair amount of work, and of this, I’m proud. I think that’s life in general. That despite it all, despite all of life’s difficulties, you still keep working and trudging on. Because there will be no time when life has no difficulties. Life will always have difficulties and it’s all about being able to work and stay focused despite those difficulties. If I could do senior project again, I would have chosen easier books to read. I chose really dense books and that made it a lot harder for me to stay focused because I didn’t really enjoy as much what I was doing. My essential question was “What does love feel like?” I think that this was a good essential question for my project, because my writings and readings cover the vast array of emotions that stem from loving someone. Of course, I didn’t come to some specific consensus about what love feels like, but I explored all the different complex emotions that come with loving someone. The most rewarding part of senior project was finishing a writing piece. After writing for an hour or two everyday I always felt really proud of myself. I had a real product, something to show, that I worked hard on. It was also quite cathartic to write since I was writing about my emotions, and writing it definitely gave me some closure

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