Josh Sapira – Critical Reflection #6

My essential question has not changed at all throughout my project. I think because I have already spent a significant amount of time studying the topic, I knew exactly what it was I wanted to learn going into this 6-week process.

I learned pretty much what I had expected too. I explored new statistics in a sport I had never explored before. As someone with little to no knowledge of basketball, I was able to see firsthand how looking at numbers and data can establish an understanding of new/unfamiliar situations, because I feel like now I understand the sport much better.

If nothing else, this experience has cemented my passion for sports analytics. I can absolutely see myself exploring this field as a career or pursuing additional internships in the future.

Nothing really comes to mind when I think of what I want people to know about my project because everything I did throughout the process was for me. I spent hours doing research on new coding libraries and commands, scraping data, creating charts, and writing reports for my own understanding.

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