- What have you discovered about your process, your habits?
- Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question.
I think that over the course of this project I have learned that I work best when I follow my instincts as to where the story is going next with the help of an overall outline. Usually when I write, I enter a story with a few key moments in mind and no clear outline, which usually leads to it petering out and losing steam once I get to the parts of the story I don’t want to write. For this project, because I had a clearer idea of where the big story beats would be, it allowed me to just have fun connecting the dots in a way that felt natural but also entertaining to write and hopefully to read. I think that allowing the characters to guide the story was very important to me, because if the reader cannot connect or relate to the characters, whose text conversations make up most of the story, then it is very difficult to invest them in the world and its stakes.
As for what I don’t know, I am still figuring out how I can maximize my use of the platform that I have chosen to tell this story. While I have used lots of audiovisual and interactive elements, I think that there are definitely parts of the story that could have more interactive elements added to the benefit of the reader. I think that this will become more of a priority for me once I circle back to revising, considering my primary focus right now has been on creating a coherent draft.