Max A. – Critical Reflection 6

  1. Take a look back at your essential question. Did you answer it? Do you think that question was a good frame for your Senior Project? If not, how would you phrase that question now?

No, I don’t think that I answered my essential question. The question that I chose was way to large and expansive for a high school senior to answer in the span of six week. I do not think that the question was a good frame for a six week senior project.


  1. You had a sense of what you would learn and do during Senior Project. Did you have to adjust your expectations?

I very much so had to adjust my expectations. I initially thought that I could expand my interviewees to people outside of my family, but toward the end of the project, I realized that expanding wouldn’t work. I should have kept the interviews to just family members.


  1. Did you meet your goal(s) for Senior Project? Explain in detail.

I met my goals in the sense that I got a small cookbook out of this project, but I had never really set any goals for myself, which kind of lead to a hard time doing the project.


  1. What challenges did you face throughout your project? How did you overcome those challenges?

Filling up some of the senior project requirements was kind of difficult. A lot of them felt kind of arbitrary and useless. I would’ve much preferred a little more support from the school with helping filling up our timesheets.


  1. What risks did you take, especially for those who created a product? How did those risks pay off?

I didn’t really take any risks. I don’t really know what kind of risks I could’ve taken with my project. I guess the greatest risk of this project is people saying that they would not like to be interviewed for this project.


  1. What growth or understanding did you experience through Senior Project? How has the experience changed you, or your concept of yourself? Consider skills, attitudes, habits, resources, capabilities,, etc. Are you more confident of your abilities? 

This is a question that I think about a lot, so I don’t really have an answer to this question.


  1. What surprises did you experience? What were the unexpected moments of learning or experience?

I didn’t really encounter any surprises.


  1. What questions has Senior Project raised for you? (Personal, institutional, philosophical, global, etc.)

One question that senior project has raised for me is how can I ask for more help from my teachers and classmates.


  1. Has your Senior Project experience influenced your future planning in terms of work, education, or the development of personal interests?

My senior project hasn’t really influenced my future plans. I never really expected it to.


  1. When you reflect on the entire process, of what are you most proud? Least?

I’m most proud of sticking to a project that I really started to dislike doing towards the end of the project. I’m least proud of the fact that I didn’t ask for enough help.


  1. What would you do differently if you could do Senior Project again?

I don’t think I’d really do anything different. If I did, my experience would be totally different from now.


  1. What was the hardest aspect of the Senior Project process and experience? Most rewarding?

The most difficult part of senior project was all of the extra tasks we were given that felt to me pretty arbitrary. I personally did not get anything out of writing these blog posts.


  1. What is the one thing you want your audience to learn or understand from your presentation on Senior Project Evening?

I want people to learn about how delicious and diverse jewish food really is.


  1. How might you demonstrate your learning?

I will demonstrate my learning through showing recipes and there history.

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