Critical Reflection #6

  1. Take a look back at your essential question. Did you answer it? Do you think that question was a good frame for your Senior Project? If not, how would you phrase that question now?
    1. I definitely feel like I’ve answered my essential question in terms of understanding the core elements of rap. I feel that the open ended-ness of the question confused me in terms of how I would produce and write the song. I don’t think there was a better way to word it, because it was more so my inability to see the subgenres of rap as storytelling rather than its different aspects.
  2. You had a sense of what you would learn and do during the Senior Project. Did you have to adjust your expectations?
    1. I definitely adjusted my expectations. I never expected to put so much thought into the lyricism of a song where I’m mimicking mumble and trap music. I also never expected my analysis of the songs to play such an equally large role with all subgenres. I did, however, learn how my voice could be an instrument
  3. Did you meet your goal(s) for Senior Project? Explain in detail.
    1. Yes and no. I feel like goal and expectation are different simply because I did make a song with the core of rap music, but it was nearly impossible for it to not lean one way or another. It was also impossible for it to be as good as I hoped since it was my first time producing and I was intellectually limited to samples because I couldn’t play instruments.
  4. What challenges did you face throughout your project? How did you overcome those challenges?
    1. The main challenges I faced were production and recording. For the production aspect, I had to really look deep into my notes and think minimalistic to keep the music inclusive of all subgenres. Then there was the issue of how to achieve a certain sound while only using prerecorded sounds. When it came to recording, I had to change to new software and figure out how to use my voice. I also struggled on the second verse, something I’m still trying to perfect.
  5. What risks did you take, especially for those who created a product? How did those risks pay off?
    1. I took a risk by making a song that is open about mental health issues and heartbreak. I also decided to use 3 different voices and deliveries in my song, telling a single story over the course of time, focussing on maturity and progression. The risks on the voices paid off for the ones circulating my comfort zone (verses 1 and 3). The second verse is a new delivery and I’ve been forced to look more into my voice and how to use it.
  6. What growth or understanding did you experience through Senior Project? How has the experience changed you, or your concept of yourself? Consider skills, attitudes, habits, resources, capabilities,, etc. Are you more confident of your abilities? 
    1. I’ve grown in confidence during this senior project. I’ve also grown in my music taste. This project has shown me the true depth and beauty in different subgenres, leading me to love the non-rap genres they overlap with. I had to learn patience and accept how little control I really have in order to master the creative wave. There was one point when I went for 8 hours straight, accepting when the best time to work was. I’m certainly more confident now because my music is simply a projection of me overcoming my insecurities and fears.
  7. What surprises did you experience? What were the unexpected moments of learning or experience?
    1. I finally learned what “the groove” was, and I fell into it. Coming straight out of a 2-hour meeting, I worked non-stop from 6 to 3am. I found myself writing lyrics at random times of the day and falling in love with my own voice. There was a certain point where everything just clicked.
  8. What questions has Senior Project raised for you? (Personal, institutional, philosophical, global, etc.)
    1. How exactly do lyrical rappers think? What is their thought process as they write wordplay and references and make it rhyme? How can I think like a lyrical writer? How can I rap like one? When would I know that my verse is “deep” enough?
  9. Has your Senior Project experience influenced your future planning in terms of work, education, or the development of personal interests?
    1. I definitely feel more comfortable making music now and it’s something I’d want to explore more in the future.
  10. When you reflect on the entire process, of what are you most proud? Least?
    1. I was most proud of the beat and the last verse which has  been on repeat since I recorded it
  11. What would you do differently if you could do Senior Project again?
    1. Spend less time analyzing music and make more than one song
  12. What was the hardest aspect of the Senior Project process and experience? Most rewarding?
    1. the hardest part was definitely making the song. I had to envision the end goal before I even started which meant a lot of criticizing of myself and imperfection.
  13. What is the one thing you want your audience to learn or understand from your presentation on Senior Project Evening?
    1. Music always has a deeper meaning than the first listen
  14. How might you demonstrate your learning?
    1. play the song and present general notes of each subgenre.

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