Interviewing John Patrick – a sustainable fashion brand
You seem to have gotten into fashion sustainability very early on, your website talks about questioning sustainability in the early 90s, what started your sustainability journey? How did you already know how damaging the fashion industry would become?
I have good instincts-and And I trust my own ideas and concepts it’s not really such a new idea environmentalism has been around for hundreds of years
What kind of choices do you consider when you are sourcing your fabric?
I don’t really see how much a source of my fabrics as I construct and designed them from the beginning of the supply chain until the end I’m not a typical Designer or manufacturer that just goes in the market and buys existing fabrications
What inspires your designs?
The design process for me is similar to architecture and I am looking to build things that have longevity and purpose and inherent beauty that constantly is dependable and inspiring
If you could give any advice to people creating a sustainable wardrobe what would it be?
My honest advice would be to limit your wardrobe to a simple number of pieces of clothing and examine where they were made who they were made from how they were made with the intent of the purposes you can have Vintage you could have new things you could make some of your own things it’s a slow process
Do you think that it is possible for the fashion industry to end fast fashion and move onto a more sustainable route?
I don’t know about what other fashion brands do or other retailers do it’s really a little concerned to me my own process and the way that I present my collections and my manufacturing is done is at the top of my bucket list so what I’m doing is making limited amounts of things that when they’re gone they’re gone.