- What have you discovered about your process, your habits?
- Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question.
At the beginning of the project, I don’t think I was really mentally prepared for what was going to happen during the project. As time went on, I was able to get into a routine, that from the few weeks I have been doing this has made me a better soccer player. Even though I am still not the biggest fan of working out I have found ways that work for me and make it enjoyable. One way is listening to music to help push me through the exercises. Food and lifestyle-wise I am becoming a lot more disciplined with what I am eating. Sometimes when I reach for a snack really think about if I should be eating it or not. Most times I will switch and get some nuts or fruit instead. I have been getting myself on a somewhat regular sleep schedule which I think has helped me. I find myself waking up earlier on weekends because that is what my body is used to(which used to not happen during regular school). I know I don’t know how I can eventually apply this to my life after this project. It is not realistic for a normal daily life, so I need to figure out how to adjust to make it more sensible to do for me.