5/10/21 – I’m getting super excited for all of the live events that are coming up in the next two weeks. I have the first one on Friday, and it’s a beginner yoga class. There are two people who are formally registered, but a couple more people might be interested and may come tomorrow. I’m a little nervous, even though I’m not the one who needs to speak. I’m also going to try to fit in some lower-pressure events like Gold Award work sessions and things like that for next week.
5/13/21 – Today I announced the presentation by Judaline Cassidy which I’m super excited about. She does a lot of presentations and guest speaking, so she’s prepared and ready to go. Hopefully more people will sign up for it, and I’m also going to invite some non-Girl Scouts sort of as a backup, but also because it should be a really cool event. I haven’t gotten as far into my project as I would have liked, but that’s because I kind of switched directions and didn’t plan for the larger community aspect. 6 weeks is not a lot of time to build an active community while also planning events and researching.
5/14/21 – I just hosted the first live session and it went really well!! It was a yoga class, and 5 people showed up (two girls from my troop, one girl from outside my troop, and 2 people from school – shoutout to Isabella and Ana). I was a little nervous at first because I had to keep my video on and do the yoga at the same time and I hadn’t done yoga in over a year, but it was actually really nice. I’m really excited for the upcoming live sessions.