Isabella Marcellino – Week 5 Documentation #1

Here is my fifth homework assignment for my Design Communication I course. The project involves two steps: studying the first perspective through a line drawing, and drafting a living room in axonometric view. To start, we were asked not to draw our own living rooms, but rather to find a one-point perspective image of a living room in a magazine or on the internet and trace it. I printed out the following photograph to get started:



I then tore out a piece of tracing paper and used my mechanical pencils to trace over this image:



Tracing this was a wonderful introduction to drawing from the first perspective. I look forward to drawing the same living room in the axonometric perspective!



One thought on “Isabella Marcellino – Week 5 Documentation #1

  1. Isabella, what was wonderful about the “tracing” exercise? I wonder if in the act of tracing, the object ceases to be the full object and instead becomes a collection of lines? Perhaps this deconstruction reveals something new, interesting or essential about the object that is more clearly revealed through this activity.

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