- What have you discovered about your process, your habits?
- Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question.
What I have discovered about my habits is that I like setting a routine. Without one, I often feel like I won’t get anything done or be productive. Without routine or a schedule, I will end up procrastinating on the work I need to get done, or not as strong a sense of commitment and dedication to the task I am fulfilling. While working on the senior project, I have often felt thankful for the regimented time that is included in my work. Every day I have to be in the lower school by a certain time, and every day I have to leave at a certain time. It is set in stone, I can’t be late or try to push it off.
The area in which I have fewer time constraints is in the other researching aspects of my projects. I have all of the afternoon and evening to accomplish the rest of my requirements for the day (including note-taking, watching documentaries, reading the book, etc.). I feel like this eases some of the rigidity that the morning schedule has, and allows me to have some freedom and movement within my work.
As for what I don’t know currently about my project, I am still solidifying my plan on how I think to present my final project. I have gone between a few ideas and have settled on a series of reflections. These reflections will be short summaries on each age group I worked with (Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Grade) and talk about the similarities or differences between what I saw in real life and what I learned from research.