Critical Analysis #5

  • What have you discovered about your process, your habits?
  • Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question

I have been working with Oliver scholars program teaching the saturday class and I have learned alot from this experience. I try to stay on top of the class work and grading in order to  plan the next class. I try to work straight through the morning so that I get everything done before the afternoon. I meet with my supervisor during the day so that I stay on task with what I have to do during the day. In regards to my essential question, I have learned that students are coming into these independent schools with a lot of stereotypes about the schools and the students there. I try to work around these stereotypes and explain to them that they have to keep an open mind. Judging people without ever meeting them is not beneficial to them because it will create a barrier.

One thought on “Critical Analysis #5

  1. I also find that it’s easier to work in the morning, even when I don’t want to wake up early. But I do find that once I work in the morning, I have a hard time getting back to work after I take a break. Does this happen to you?

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