Cosima Dovan – CR#5


    • What have you discovered about your process, your habits?
    • Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question.

I suppose this comes as no surprise to those who know me well, but unstructured time is definitely not for me. I’ve never been one to revel in summer, spring and winter vacations, unless I have a job lined up or something to keep me busy. Senior Project has been like a daunting cross between school and vacation, and I entered it extremely unsure of how I would be able to handle it. As we are amidst the final weeks, I am feeling – now more than ever – very vulnerable without a solid routine. Honestly, it has been very difficult for me to hold myself accountable to work (with no timely due dates or anything to mark myself in what feels like an endless (but not really so endless) fog of time). I don’t think I’ve done the greatest job of taking care of myself and my project in this regard, and although it may sound silly because it’s almost over, I really want to work on this in the next two weeks. I am riding a small victory of having structured my day today, and hoping that I can sustain this sudden desire to get up early and get stuff done for the rest of the week. Anyways, what do I know I don’t know? I know I don’t know how to make a schedule, but I also still don’t fully know “how to use Inferno as a catalyst for individual exploration.” I’m working on it, but as I begin projects I still have this nagging fear that I’m missing something, or I’m picking the wrong medium to represent my ideas in. It’s been hard for me to just go with the flow of my creativity, I think I might always be looking for something that must be wrong with my ideas. I don’t think this an unusual experience for someone amidst a creative pursuit, and I don’t think I’ll “solve” it during Senior Project, but I must continue to remind myself not to revere every thought I have – they’re not all true and they’re certainly not all helpful for me. 

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