I have noticed throughout this process that the start of my week sets a trend for the days that follow. Meaning when I come back home from my cohort and start working almost immediately I find myself being productive for the rest of the day. Then on Tuesday, I feel more motivated to keep up that same productivity I demonstrated on Monday.
This cycle of starting on a high note and continuing success is also a thoroughly researched behavioral economics theory. If you were to go to an arcade and win your first game you are much more likely to continue playing games regardless of winning or losing because you feel encouraged by your first win. Similarly, if you lost your first game you are far more likely to leave the arcade hours sooner than if you had won initially.
One of my essential questions is: how can a personal understanding of behavioral economics help us make smarter financial decisions? The example I just gave about the arched shows that a knowledge of behavioral economics strategies (in this case starting on a high note leading to continued success) can help you improve your productivity and not just with finance. If you set up a small success before starting other tasks or tasks that may be more challenging you are roughly 40% more likely to try again after possible failure.