- What have you discovered about your process, your habits?
- Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question.
Post your reflection to the blog in advance of your cohort meeting.
Over the past few weeks, I have noticed that I don’t wake up as early as I used to, but I do tend to work later throughout the day. I find that I am more focused and awake during the day and night, rather than early in the morning. Despite this, I do find it nice to go to school and work (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday). On Wednesday and Friday, I go in at 9:00 am because it is nice to get full hours in the studio (until around 3:00pm). Before painting, I enjoy conducting research on the original pieces and their artists, as well as taking notes and sketching ideas for my pastiches. I enjoy this process before getting started on any of my pieces because it helps me with my idea, presentation, organization, and productivity. While the work that I make using acrylic paints is usually done at home, anything created using oil paint is completed at school (due to the materials and ventilation). I like to do extra research along with painting, just so I continue to develop and learn as I go.
Though I have been coming up with some ideas about how to answer my question using materials, rather than just changing the image, I still haven’t found a solid answer. I have been working out ideas in my sketchbook about out how to use oil and acrylic paints in order to demonstrate a change in time. This is related to my sub-questions, but there is still a lot I don’t know about techniques, materials, artists, and the history behind pieces. While I have learned about some famous artists and their pieces, there is obviously much more out there to learn about. I want to see, depending on time, if there are more techniques and materials (other than oil paint) that I can experiment with (ink, pastels, etc?).