CR #3 – Georgina Barnhill

Now that you’re three weeks (half way) into your senior project experience, are you answering your essential question? 

  1. How are you exploring your essential question; is it different from what you expected? If you don’t feel like you’re answering your essential question, what is happening that’s different from what you expected? 
  • It’s strange because I already knew the answer to my question in a way because I knew getting off the grid will help my creative process. “How” is the bigger question. How does this help it? I think you can just see that in my writing how the pieces I write in the city are more story telling of other people I see. While when I’m in nature they are more personal and close. One thing I’ve noticed is that when I write in the city, I tend to write about the people rather than my surroundings. When I’m “off the grid” there is no one around me to write about but also I get to see how my creative process changes when I’m fully alone in my own head. 
  1. Are you surprised by any of the challenges that you’ve faced so far? How have you met those challenges and what can you do going forward to deal with them?
  • My biggest challenge must be reading. Getting all the reading done is hard especially since I’m switching through books almost every day, not having finished the one from the day before. Lots of ideas are filtering in my head and I mostly use them as prompts for my own writing. 
  1. Writing on your essential question: What have you learned about your essential question so far? What further questions do you have? and/or Has your essential question changed? If so, how?  What do you want to know more about?
  • My question has mostly switched from “How” to “Writing about the differences of the two types of writing environments”. I want to figure out how exactly I would answer my question. 

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