In order for me to make the lot environmentally sustainable, I need to plan for it to be resilient against flooding and rising sea levels. I’ve discovered that the neighborhood is in a FEMA designated “flood overlay zone” and requires a Green Area Ratio (GAR). Using easy, small-scale stormwater management elements like bioswales, rain gardens, and pervious paving on the site can contribute to the resiliency of the whole neighborhood. A more involved solution may also be raising the height of the lot. I also believe (but not 100% sure) that the site is chromate contaminated and has ground water contamination due to former industrial production and needs to be remediated. This may be a reason for the site’s vacancy and current inaccessibility.
Interesting. If there is site contamination, does the possibility of building up on the site provide a pathway for design that is less complicated and maybe more feasible? I suspect that some level of remediation or capping would be required. I’m assuming that you are also collecting images of the space that you can use to help connect your ideas to the current site conditions. As an outsider looking into this project, it would be helpful to be able to see what you are seeing.