Here is my third homework assignment for my Design Communication I course. The assignment was to draft a “maquette,” which is a rough draft of a three-dimensional space. The drawing shows a simple room from multiple angles: its floor plan, a.k.a “bird’s eye view,” which is in the center, and each of its four walls’ elevations (think of viewing a vertical wall completely straightforward). The instructions has us label each wall as ‘A,’ ‘B,’ ‘C,’ and ‘D,’ which may make conceptualizing it a little bit easier.
This is the first draft of my assignment. Since my teacher did not release the exact measurements of the space, I could not put them in. In order to create the SketchUp model, I had to do the math myself.
This is an extremely rough draft of my model with as many measurements as I could include. It was important to make this draft so I could knew the exact measurements I was doing when creating this model digitally.
This exercise, of course, asked us to design a fairly simple room. The assignment was, admittedly, much more difficult than I expected. It reemphasized to me how much time drafting can take. I very much look forward to recreating this model in SketchUp. Not only will it allow me and the people who view it to fully understand the space, but it will likely be the most difficult SketchUp model I have ever made.
Isabella, this seems to be a recurring observation (i.e., “it seemed simple, but there were hidden complexities.”). Why do you think this is the case? As you do more of these assignments, do things that were difficult the first time seem to be getting easier? Is some of this simply a matter of practice and strengthening your “muscles,” or are there other things at play (i.e., each projects suggests a wide range of choices and choosing a path to go down is actually complicated)?