Critical Reflection #3 – Rosina

My essential question deals more with the creative aspect of this project of taking my own interpretations of philosophical thinking and applying them to whatever art I feel like creating. Before beginning this project I thought that I might have issues sticking with only photography as my medium and I was very correct about that assumption. I find inspiration everywhere so I should’ve been more open with my options because I’ve had a lot of fun doing other types of art for this project. I also didn’t anticipate how hard it would be to work with film photography at home because while I have all the materials to develop and print my film, I need help setting everything up and my mother isn’t always available. Other than that I think my essential question covered my project really well. This week I finished my Crash Course which means that I’ve effectively laid out the basics of philosophical thought in my notes which should help me greatly when I read my books. I plan on spending the rest of this week working on shooting and developing film. I haven’t been surprised by anything negative so far. I’ve found that every topic I’ve studied has been incredibly interesting and I haven’t had any real issues with being bored of my topic. If anything, there’s almost too much information for me so I’ve had difficulties remembering everything from the past few weeks. This isn’t much of an issue though because my notes are really detailed and easy for me to understand. I think I need to spend some more time each week looking for inspirations for shoots in the work that I do. There’s so much content for me to choose from and I want to ensure that I cover a variety of topics alongside my focus on aesthetics. I’ve also realized that I can easily expand my essential question from just aesthetics because most philosophical branches have a lot in common, whether historically or just content wise. I also want to try and explore other contemporary artists and philosophers from across the globe because I want to ensure that I get a holistic understanding of the work people are doing around my topic.

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