Here is a time lapse of me beginning my second homework assignment for my Design Communication I course:
The assignment was to draft a simple chair in multiple views: front view, side view (both elevations), plan view, and axonometric view. As you can see, I really only got to the front view in this time lapse. Watching this video really highlighted the drafting habits I have formed thus far in my class/project. My Design Communication I teacher is extremely hands-off, which I think allows each of his students to form their own personal habits and solutions to problems. Something that this video helped me realize is that I would like to work on how I draw lines that are longer than my ruler or drafting triangle as I move into the third week of my Senior Project. I notice I rely solely on my eye as I extend lines. This can cause issues and strange, obvious markings which I do not want. As I begin Assignment #3, I hope to find a solution to this issue. Perhaps I should move my drafting triangle as I draw a line rather than only keep it in place.
Isabella, one nuts and bolts item: always better to embed the media in the page. If the file is less than 50MB, you cad directly to the page via the “Add media -> Add video playlist” option. If bigger, you can upload to the youtube account associate with your email and then grab the video url and paste it in and it will embed automatically. Or you can add to a drive folder, make the permissions so anyone with the link can view and grab the embed code (see instructions here: For some reason, your video was acting funky so I converted it from mov to mp4 (
More important, what if anything do you notice when you watch this? What was the assignment? Does viewing it in this way give you any ideas about skills/habits that you want to cultivate or strengthen?