Henry Boone – Critical Reflection #2

Describe a moment and analyze: “Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?”

  • You can also compare it with learning experiences you have had elsewhere, whether in or out of a classroom, at LREI or elsewhere.


My essential question is: How does living a healthy lifestyle affect someone athletically, and additionally affect other aspects of their life and how does changing a diet strengthen the mind-muscle connection within one’s body? When I try to think about my project as individual pieces and try to think about one specific moment or experience that relates to my question, I run into a little bit of trouble. This isn’t because my essential question is poor, or I am not doing my project, but rather how my project is focused and designed. I realize that my project isn’t just about how many pushups I can do, or what foods I can eat, but rather how it all affects each other. In my project, everything comes together and everything is affected by the things I am doing. The things I eat, how hard I push myself, and everything I am doing within my project is done to answer my essential question. Fitness and nutrition are very unique things and both are so strongly intertwined with each other. Fitness is not just about the work you put in inside the gym, but rather so much more. The food you eat, the things you drink, and so much more go into it, and this is something that I need to keep in mind while doing my project. As I concluded the first week of my senior project experience, I know what is important for me to do, but as this project continues, I will keep on learning more and more information and skills about fitness and nutrition.

One thought on “Henry Boone – Critical Reflection #2

  1. I can see how it’s hard to point to one moment. The things that you are studying come together and only work with routine. I mentioned in the last post that I wonder about when things get hard. Have you had to walk away from a family meal because it wasn’t inline with your diet? Have they had to change their program (exercise or nutrition) to spend time with you? I imagine if they have that’s only positive.

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