Describe a moment and analyze: “Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?”
- You can also compare it with learning experiences you have had elsewhere, whether in or out of a classroom, at LREI or elsewhere.
Essential Question: How can I tell my story through creating music?
There have been multiple times when I have felt a strong connection to songs, and felt that they resonated personally with me. Specifically I remember listening to this one song called Always by Rex Orange County and it was like therapy to listen to, my emotions were written out in his lyrics, and even though he was writing about his own experience it felt like it was my own. And when someone can tell their story through a song in a way that other people can feel their same emotion, it is so powerful. When I would listen to this I felt his pain like it was my own and wanted to be able to express my own life through lyrics like he could. This moment in many ways relates to my question, for one it shows I was already thinking about how people tell their own stories and share their experiences through song and how I could do the same thing. Since listening to music gave me so much comfort and in some ways clarity, I thought creating my own music would open a whole new chapter for me and that is definitely partly how I came to my essential question for this project.