Week 2 experience

Part of my senior project involves working a lot of hours in a short amount of time. If the hours are not long, they are usually intensive or a lot of work. I am not necessarily working more than I would on a normal school week, previously I was doing school the normal 5 days a week picking up a 12-hour vaccinator shift one weekend day and a CPMU shift (hours vary from 6-12 hours). The hours I am doing now are probably actually fewer than I would have done in a normal week, but I am far more tired and sore than I would otherwise normally be. The hours are more compressed than they normally would be which I believe is contributing to my lethargy. The first three work days contributed to 33 of my about 42 hours last week. Although I don’t find these particular positions to be that stressful anymore it is a lot to do in a row. I am curious to see how this will effect me in the future as it would for anyone else in my position beginning a new EMS job.

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