For week #1, I primarily studied different aspects of psychological profiling, like its usages, profiling methods, different types of offenders, and more. I did this through reading the book, “Wrightman’s Psychology and the Legal System” by Edie Greene and Kirk Heilbrun, listening to podcasts, watching videos, and taking a free online course on EDx: The Psychology of Criminal Justice. I’ve also taken notes on some of these resources so that I can document what I’ve learned and key concepts. The highlight of my week was being able to interview David Bourke, the chief of the UMS Behavioral Analysis Unit. It was really interesting to hear about all of his experiences and all the work that he has done. I am also really enjoying the online class that I’m taking because they are teaching me about key concepts while also following a pretend case that I’ll get to investigate alongside them. Another thing that I worked on this week was working on making connections with more people in the legal field. I hope to hear more from a bunch of different perspectives and experiences. Next week, my goal is to continue studying profiling (methods, concepts, etc.) and start learning about the Zodiac Killer case. I hope to take what I’ve learned so far about profiling and creating a profile of my own of who the offender might be since they were never found. I’ll start by gathering information about the case and then compare my profile to the profilers’ who worked on the case.