Critical Reflection #2

On approximately hour eight of twelve of my regular shift vaccinating at the DOHMH City Point COVID-19 vaccine pod I had just finished off my tenth dose of the Moderna vial I was working on. I was taking off my gown and goggles to go get another vial to continue vaccinating people when I heard a call from right next to me for help. Just after their dose of the COVID-19 vaccine begun to have a generalized seizure. By the time I got to the patient one of the two EMTs who were assigned as a standby crew was already by the patient’s side. Protocol for a generalized seizure is to immediately move the patient to the floor, remove all objects in the way of them and let them convulse until they stop. You do your best to protect their heads and you do not restrain the patient as this can cause injury to the patient and the person restraining the patient. The EMT who works for a private company did not do this, they just watched as the patient was convulsing in the chair with the patients partner attempting to restrain them. Just as I was about to move the patient to the floor the patient stopped convulsing and entered the postictal phase. The point of this story is that EMTs who work for private companies, only do non-911 interfacility transfers and are not often placed in emergency situations are put in positions that they are not equipped to handle. This helps answer my essential question by giving me first-hand experience as to what the appropriate action and the actual action of a private paid EMT is when they are put in an emergency situation.

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