Here is my first homework assignment for my Design Communication I course. It is meant to act as the “portfolio cover” for the rest of the assignments we will work on throughout the quarter. This is my first draft, which I originally submitted before class:
Mr. Carr gave me wonderful feedback on my assignment. He emphasized the importance of line weights and borders, and also crafting a sort of “logo” for each of my pieces. I followed his instructions and made a logo titled “UCLAx / Arc-ID” in the upper right-hand corner to replace the table that was there before. I made sure to darken the line borders around the different boxes and underneath the labels attached to each one. Finally, I erased the lines that I used as measurements to create the different boxes, I darkened my lettering to contrast their border lines, and I centered my lettering in my “Title Box.”
This is the final draft of my assignment that I submitted. It is by no means perfect. I mixed up the order of the different boxes, and I made obvious mistakes while creating two of them. However, I have learned that my collection of assignments itself will act as a representation of my progress throughout the term. I look forward to going back to this cover sheet when my class is over and seeing all of the progress I have made. This is not an assignment that I will be able to translate into 3D-form because it does not have any official measurements or guidelines about how it would work in three dimensions, although it is still interesting to think about how that may work if I wanted to give it a shot.
Isabella, These are really great and reveal the infinite variety of designs that are possible even with a set of small initial conditions. Per our conversation today, it would be really interesting to think about how you might express these ideas in 3D if you were to try and build one of these designs. It would also open a whole new door into the world of structures and how we design an idea in 2D, but then need to think about issues of support that will allow it to exist as a physical 3D form. Also interesting to consider how different materials will create new possibilities or constraints.