Action Plan

Lia Perry Wiggins- Action Plan

  • Action Item Area: Timeline/Materials/Space/Connections/Budget/Research/Other- I have selected a shortlist of books that I believe will be helpful to my specific area of study. I have purchased canvasses, and oil paints, as well as brushes and lint seed oil. in addition, I have purchased two new sketchbooks and charcoal and pencils and ballpoint pens. I have a few more books to order as well as some larger canvasses.
  • I have begun to practice my life drawing and have started journaling about the questions I want to explore through this process, and thoughts I think are relevant to discuss with James. I will also show these works as a before to compare the result of my intensive study on life, figure, and oil painting.
  • I need to meet with James to ask about additional suggestions for literature to read.
  • Reason for Item: Research.

Notes: My notes from talking to James about my project

talk to others about their process

note my emotions and mental barriers I encounter along the way

talk to artists

notice my own cliches and patterns

push my comfort zone and allow myself to make mistakes

don’t focus on the outcome

find ways to collaborate with others

bring me into the work

set intentions before each piece

find a group of people who are equally committed to their projects

allow yourself to enjoy the process of art-making

how does the pandemic affect the work?

keep doing my own sketchbook art to relax

allow me to be bad at something

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