Sarah K. — Improving Sports Performance — Essential qQuestions: What are the best ways to impact and improve sports performance? How can a change in my eating and living habits affect my daily life?
Henry B. — Fitness and Nutritional Cookbook — Essential Question: How does living a healthy lifestyle affect someone athletically, and additionally affect other aspects of their life and how does changing a diet strengthen the mind-muscle connection within one’s body?
Luc D. — The Untold Part of Basketball — Essential Question: As a young fan/player, how do I find my voice and share the insights of youth on the game of basketball?
Jack S. — Extreme sports and sports psychology — Essential Questions: What is the science behind the adrenaline rush and why do people love it? How can I effectively document extreme sports in New York City?
Victor S. — Improving LREI Athletics — Essential Question: How can we improve LREI commitment to athletics?