Independent Projects

  1. Mika F.Finding my artistic identity in dance and theatre — Essential Questions: How can I utilize theatre and dance to create a performance piece that explores my artistic identity?  What is my artistic identity?
  2. Nina G.StoryTime Amongst Generations — Essential Question: How can what older generations connected to the LREI community have experienced help younger generations navigate such trying times full of teen angst and growing up in the world?
  3. Olivia C.Through the Eyes of Veterans — Essential question:  What can the personal stories of veterans give me that a book/article cannot? And by listening to experiences of war in the eyes of veterans, what commonalities fall within each of their stories?
  4. Natalie P.Exploring the World of Publishing — Essential Question: How does a book go from an idea to what we see on a shelf? 
  5. Olivia B.Watching a Curated Collection of Movies Each Week and Writing Responsive Essays — Essential Question: What does film tell us about pop culture and ourselves?
  6. Lindsay O.Studying Childhood Development in Theory and Practice — Essential QuestionHow does the environment or structure of a classroom affect a child’s learning and development?