Essential Question(s): How can an athlete achieve and sustain peak performance?
Statement of Purpose: These unique six weeks of Senior Project will give me the opportunity to focus on my mind and body. Through a strict daily regiment with the input of a sports physiologist, nutritionist, massage therapist, acupuncturist, chiropractor, physical therapist, and a trainer, I will strive to obtain peak performance. I will be recording my progress daily and will post a weekly vlog on a YouTube Chanel that I will create. These vlogs will be addressed to the younger LREI/DUSC community and will be a space for young student athletes to learn about different aspects such as what to do when you get injured, what is the best meal/ snacks to have before, during, and after games, and what drills can be most effective in making you a better player.
Overview: What interests me most about this project is how the progress that I make is entirely up to me. I don’t have a teacher pushing me, I don’t have other friends/peers doing the same work that I can lean on. However far I want to reach and whatever goals I want to accomplish is up to me. It will teach me to be independent and show me that if I want to achieve a certain goal, I can do it, I just have to work for it and earn it. This project also has many different aspects that I am interested in. One is improving my diet, something I have always wanted to do as an athlete. The next is being able to research different professional athletes and what has worked for them and how I can implement that into my lifestyle. The next is recording my progress on a youtube channel, a place where I can track my progress throughout the six weeks and where younger teenager athletes can go for guidance.
How will you measure your success?
With the weekly vlogs and recording my workouts and training sessions, and will be great way to see if my feet are getting quicker, if my arms are getting stronger, if my face looks less pale from getting more sleep and being less stressed. On the videos I will also be talking about what I’ve researched/read on the day so that will track what I am learning week by week. With the goals I have in mind, it will be easy to track how far I am getting along with those goals.
Resource List:
The Complete Strength Training Workout Program for Soccer: Develop power, speed, flexibility, and resistance through strength training and proper nutrition.
By Joseph Correa
Food Guide for Soccer: Tips & Recipes from the Pros
By Gloria Averbuch and Nancy Clark
Winning Ugly: Mental Warfare in Tennis Lessons From A Master
By Brad Gilbert
Total Meditation: Practices In Living The Awakened Life
By Deepak Chopra, MD
Serve to Win
By Novak Djokovic
Group of Experts:
Physical Therapist Dr. Meg Tyner PT, DPT, ATC, CSCS
Dietitian Judy Singer
Athletic Trainer Gene Schafer MS, ATC, CSCS
Sports Psychiatrist Marty Walker
Personal Trainer Granville Gittens
Daily Plan & Schedule
Make and eat breakfast
1st workout: morning run
Reading and Note Taking
Grocery Shopping
Prepare and Eat lunch
Meet and Interview a specialist
More Reading and Note Taking
2nd workout: weight training OR soccer practice
Epsom Salt Bath
Family Dinner
Daily video update
Material Needs:
All of the materials I need I already have. A ring light for filming videos, all of the books I already have a copy of. A camera, which will be my Iphone. Stat Sports GPS athletes performance tracker.