Project Title: The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Essential Question(s): How has covid impacted the culture of NYC?
Statement of Purpose
For our project, we will be exploring the ways that the city has changed through the pandemic by visiting various businesses and hearing their first hand experiences.
For my Senior Project, I will… study and deep dive the city I have always grown up in, in order to understand the devastations of prosperity the city has faced through covid.
Overview: Describe your topic and project to the committee.
We hope to answer the question “How has covid impacted the culture of New York City?” by exploring the cities small businesses, parks, museums, restaurants and more. We plan to research how the city’s businesses were running pre, during and after the pandemic by interviewing business owners, visiting monuments such as the empire state building and talking to NYC residents who have suffered change through the past year. It is important to us to not only visit these places to see the physical changes, but also speak to people and hear the changes that can;t be seen such as business rates. We know there have been many negative changed but also positives, and we hope to explore both.
How will you measure your success?
Our success will be measured by how much work, time, and effort we put into our project. If we come out of this experience with a deeper understanding, more questions, new experiences, we will have succeeded. We hope to have a clean, easy to use blog that people can learn from.
Daily Plan & Schedule
I think a good general schedule for project would be, at the start of the week plan which places we want to visit and how we want to document them. In the middle of the week go to these places, and at the end of the week make our blog posts.l
Documentation Plan
A blog is a perfect documentation plan for us because it allows us to not only post writings but also photos, vidoes, and podcasts. The blog will pull in people’s attention by not only being wordy posts, but having multiple ways to interact with it leaving the viewer intrigued.
Material Needs
We will need from school:
-financial help for museum visits, galleries, zoos, tourist attractions
-help creating a blog for out findings
We will need from ourselves:
-a camera
-a way to record interviews
-metro card
Backup Plan
While we don’t expect there to be any issues, some that could come up are that some businesses aren’t open or willing to speak to us, or that statistics are hard to find. If these problems do come up, one backup plan is to just simply find more businesses that are willing to speak to us. The city is completely made up of thousands of shops and places for us to visit, so if some fail, it will be okay. Regarding trouble finding statistics, we could always visit libraries as well, which would check off two boxes.