Title: Singing and Mixing with ProTools
Essential Question: How can I create an EP of 4 songs and learn how to properly mix them on my own?
For my senior project I will spend majority of my time in my studio work space constructing new song ideas. This will include finding instrumental loops, writing lyrics, recording my voice and finally, mixing! I will also spend some quality time researching about the podcast/series Song Exploder as well as take a course on mixing with ProTools.
My success will be measured by fulfilling my goal of making 4 completely mixed songs. This will all depend on the amount of effort and time I put into not only writing and recording my songs, but the time I spend doing research on the key components to mixing and mastering a song.
My Plan and Schedule: At the beginning of each week, I am going to work on creating a rough idea for what I want my song to sound like. When I have all my parts laid down (chorus + verses) I will meet with my mentor Nick Wight to discuss my mixing approach and take important ideas from my ProTools course online.
Documentation: I will document my work through critical reflections, through the final outcome of my songs and possibly through a mini documentary or video if I can find a videographer.
Materials: I have all the materials I need and need nothing extra from the school.