Zander Lu-Final Project Proposal

Project Title: Contemporary Morality and Ethics

Essential Question(s): What does society deem moral; what do we value? How does that differ across cultures?

Statement of Purpose: For my Senior Project, I will explore morality and ethics to discover how to become an effective member of society.

Overview: I will interview 1-3 people in order to compose a podcast. I plan on making this podcast like a radio hour, where it isn’t all interview, but also introduction of topics by me to the listener. A show that comes to mind is RadioLab, where they seek to answer a question over an hour by consulting interviewees. This will measure my comprehension of what I’ve read in that I will have to relay information, as well as collect it. It will show that I know what I’m talking about, and I know what kind of questions are important to ask. I want to demonstrate the unique nature of morality and ethics.

Resource List:

Consider this the bibliography of Senior Project. What resources have you identified to push your understanding? List publications, institutions, media, books, websites, people with whom you have connected, etc that relate to your project. Include the book you will be reading.

{Delete and list the resources that are part of your I-Search research and resources that you’ll use as part of the experiential portion of the project]

Daily Plan & Schedule:

I plan on working at least 4 hours a day, split into chunks of a maximum of 2 hours at a time. I will need to do this in order to stay focused, as well as prevent burnout. I will also be taking a 3D art class with Shauna, and be in X-Blocks on Tuesday (Games Club), Wednesday (Jazz Ensemble, ConLaw and the Asian affinity space), and Thursday (Stitch and Schmooze).

Documentation Plan:

Explain why this is the appropriate documentation for you and your project and how this plan fits your project. If you plan to use platforms other than the Senior Project blog, please make sure to include them here (e.g., another blog, journal, Google Doc, Instagram, etc.), intended frequency of updates, general description of the content (reflective writing, photos, essays, etc), the URL for digital documentation or the sharing plan for analog documentation. (Documentation must be updated at least twice per week and be accessible to the committee.) 

I will update my weekly progress via a Google Doc. This will be helpful, as notes from previous work periods will help when constructing my final product. I plan on using this Google Doc to take notes as I read/collect significant annotations from a physical book. Updates Link

Material Needs:

Note the material needs you are requesting from school (including work space & monetary needs) and the needs you are filling outside of school, including materials you already own. These needs should be items that you have already discussed and have been approved.

I will need books to read. I have not yet been able to identify what exactly I will be reading.

Backup Plan: If my plan falls through, and I am not able to find philosophical texts, or a mentor, I will fall back on religious ethics. I will compare values from Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. I have a baseline understanding of these religions, so the need for a mentor to guide me through these texts isn’t as dire. I also have access to texts to reference, especially because I know what I am reading.

One thought on “Zander Lu-Final Project Proposal

  1. I know that it feels like you are behind – but it sounds to me like once we find the right mentor, everything else will fall into place. We’ll keep searching – but if the end of spring break arrives and we still haven’t found one, then we can look at moving to your back-up plan. 🙂

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