Sarah Katz- Final Project Post

Project Title: Improving Sports Performance

Essential Question(s):

What are the best ways to impact and improve sports performance? How can a change in my eating and living habits affect my daily life?

Statement of Purpose

For my Senior Project, I will be trying to find the best ways to improve my sports performance through fitness and nutrition.

Overview: Describe your topic and project to the committee.

My project, as a whole, will focus on fitness and nutrition. I plan to do some type of exercise every day whether that be, running, sport-specific exercises, or other types of exercise in addition to my travel soccer practices. I also plan meals and look up different recipes every day to keep a lot of variation in my diet. In the end, I plan to compile all the good recipes and put them together for my future self.  I am also planning to interview people who have lots of knowledge about different fields such as a nutritionist, soccer coach, athlete, and physical therapist. By conducting these interviews I hope to learn more about these areas of the industry and apply them to my project and beyond it.

How will you measure your success?

I think if I am consistently exercising and eating right, I will be successful. I am not looking to get ripped or anything so by just completing my project, it will be a success.

Resource List


I am going to be reading One Life by Meghan Rapinoe in order to gain insight into how a top pro athlete was able to get to that level. I will also be reading various articles and fitness blogs in order to gain insight into how other people train. 


The people I am going to interview(so far):

-Nicole Carroll(soccer coach)

-Brynn Fassette (physical therapist)

-Scott Willett (athlete/tri life)

-Lauren Antonucci (nutritionist)

Daily Plan & Schedule

Week 1

  • Create a baseline for my exercise to be able to see how much I have improved in the end
  • Start creating meal plans and cooking them
  • Do my individual exercises while also attending soccer practices/games
  • Conduct one Interview 
  • Start to post on the blog I will create to track my progress, food, and summary of the interviews

Week 2

  • continue creating meal plans and cooking them
  • Continue to do my individual exercises while also attending soccer practices/games
  • Conduct my second Interview 
  • continue to post on the blog I will create to track my progress, food, and summary of the interviews

Week 3

  • continue creating meal plans and cooking them
  • Continue to do my individual exercises while also attending soccer practices/games
  • Conduct my third Interview 
  • continue to post on the blog I will create to track my progress, food, and summary of the interviews

Week 4

  • continue creating meal plans and cooking them
  • Continue to do my individual exercises while also attending soccer practices/games
  • Conduct my fourth Interview 
  • continue to post on the blog I will create to track my progress, food, and summary of the interviews


Week 5

  • continue creating meal plans and cooking them
  • Continue to do my individual exercises while also attending soccer practices/games
  • Conduct my fifth Interview 
  • continue to post on the blog I will create to track my progress, food, and summary of the interviews


Week 6

  • Do those baseline activities again to see how I have progressed
  • continue creating meal plans and cooking them
  • Continue to do my individual exercises while also attending soccer practices/games
  • Conduct my sixth Interview 
  • continue to post on the blog I will create to track my progress, food, and summary of the interviews
    • Create a final blog post summarizing my journey and what i have done throughout the projects

A typical daily schedule would be after I wake up, have breakfast, and do a workout. Later in the day I would research meals, read fitness blogs, make my meals, and go to my soccer practices. I will also be planning out my interview questions for the person I am interviewing that week. 


Documentation Plan

I plan on creating a blog where I will follow a few aspects of my project. I am going to track my exercise progress, the good recipes I find, as well as a summary of the interviews I conduct. I am planning on adding to the blog a couple times a week. 


Material Needs

I have all of the materials at my house.

Backup Plan

I don’t really have a backup plan. I think that my project is feasible even if COVID gets worse and we get put into lockdown. Although I will have to adjust my exercise schedule, I will still be able to do the project.

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