Action Item Area- Connections/Research
Reason For Item- A major part of my project is discussing different people’s views on the films I will be watching in order to answer my essential question of what film and pop culture can tell us about ourselves. Getting as many different perspectives will be as helpful as possible in answering said question.
Notes- As important it is for me to research and understand more “academic” perspectives, I also want to acknowledge that popular academic resources are from the perspectives of the privileged (white, college-educated, male, etc). I want to make a point to pull from diverse resources and perspectives to understand society as a whole.
Resolution- I have resources and writers that I already enjoy, but depending on the movies I watch each week I may have to find resources after watching the movies. Karyn has told me there may be parents that she could help me connect with to interview as well.
Action Item Area- Materials
Reason For Item- Since my project is about watching films, I am assuming that it would be important to figure out how exactly I would have access to the specific movies that I plan on watching.
Notes- A majority of films I am planning on watching I have access to (own a copy of the movie/are on a streaming platform I am subscribed to) so I am not too worried about it. This is just for movies that may be hard to come across online.
Resolution- I was planning on buying the movies I do not already have access to, as I enjoy owning movies to rewatch.
I do not see many key changes, mostly that when it comes to research I will have to find new resources for the different movies. The research process is what will take up a majority of my time each week, which I had already been aware of.