Malia Sardinha – Action Item post

Confirming people who will be willing to speak with me is what I need to work on the most right now. I have a few connections that I’ve gotten through my mother and a friend’s mother at this point but I would definitley benefit from having more interviews. I would like to conduct at least three interviews per week and so far I’ve been put in contact with four individuals. I was also able to confirm an interview with someone who works in the food buisness but that is the only confirmed interview I have so far. This is a big component of my project so it is necessary.

I have also added some tweaks of my project to reflect the comments I received during my pitch. Aside from expanding the reserach phase, adding more questions and sending out a google form to the community, I also plan to add a component of “reviewing” the dishes I make and comparing them to ones I purchase. I would record the reviews in video form as well as provide a small written piece.

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