Jack Hillyer – Action Plan

  • Action Item Area: Materials (All materials needed are already accessible to me via FileWave, Creative Cloud, and I also have access to my dad’s recording equipment which I can use in the recording portion of my project)
  • Reason for Item: Music production software (Logic Pro X) for producing, recording equipment (microphone, MIDI cables, etc.)

  • Notes: I already have access to these items.

  • Resolution: I’ve learned how to use most of these items from my dad, but for the ones I’m less familiar with, I can look online and/or consult my dad, who uses this equipment regularly.


  • Action Item Area: Connections (Dash Hammerstein)

  • Reason for Item: Looking for feedback on my music itself, as well as guidance in terms of correctly categorizing my genre of music, distributing my music, promoting it, etc.

  • Resolution: Dash is my neighbor’s son, so we’re planning to meet occasionally over Zoom or possibly in person to answer the questions I have.


  • Action Item Area: Research/Book (“The Beato Book”)

  • Reason for Item: Learning about contemporary music theory and improvisation

  • Notes: The Beato Book 4.0 – PDF | Rick Beato
  • Resolution: My dad bought this book for himself already and will provide me his own copy.

The key change I have made to my project plan from this post was adding a book for me to read during the course of this project that can help me better understand music theory, especially music theory for more contemporary music, and put it into practice.

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