My learning objectives are based on the following questions. I will be able to answer each of them with the documentation and experience I have gained during the experiential portion of the project.
What is it like to work in private EMS?
- What are the difference between 911 and IFT?
- Is it possible to make a decent living in NYC working a single paid EMS job?
- What is the difference between 3rd service (Municipal), private, and volunteer EMS?
- How has COVID changed the scope and practice of EMS?
- How do EMTs and paramedics work in such a stressful environment and continue on?
My goals include answering these questions, documenting individual experiences as well as the overall experience, and quantifying this for someone who has no experience in the field either through a writing piece or a presentation.
My plan for how to spend my time includes taking shifts both at my private agency and my volunteer agency, spending time documenting my experiences from the day, and overall through taking a daily or slightly less frequent notes and journal entries. At the end of these weeks, I plan to make a presentation and or writing piece that outlines my experiences and answers my essential questions.