Pearl Mcaninch – Action Items

The Action Items: 

  • Action Item Area: Research 
  • Reason for Item: I have many options for classes such as: The Song Foundry (, Song Exploder ( New York Artist Collective ( and more, but I have to figure out the times and dates of the classes and make sure they correspond with senior project dates. I also have to book them/sign up for them.
  • Notes:  As I had stated in the pitch these classes will include a music theory/music comp class, a guitar/uke teacher and a songwriting course.
  • Resolution: I have started booking the classes.


  • Action Item Area: space/connections
  • Reason for Item: I need to secure a place I can record and produce my final product (which is one of the three songs being recorded.)
  • Resolution: My dad has connections to a recording studio that I think I will be able to use. I will work on solidifying that.


  • Action Item Area: Timeline 
  • Reason for Item: I need to plan out a timeline for song production and how much I can get done week by week.
  • Notes: I already have a general idea of my goals for each week and as long as I am writing lyrics/chords daily and taking my classes I think my weeks will be filled.
  • Resolution: I will create a schedule for each week and an agenda so I am not disorganized.


  • Action Item Area: Connections
  • Reason for Item: This is specifically my connections with guitar teachers and mentor type people that I can have to answer any questions I generate along the way.
  • Notes:  I want to get in contact with Nick again to talk over specifics of recording/producing as well.
  • Resolution: I have connections to some teachers already and I have Nick and Susan at school that I have already reached out to and I can now help me.


  • Action Item Area: Research 
  • Reason for Item: I have already thought this out a bit but I want to finalize the artists I will be taking inspiration and learning from each week. And also finalize the genres.
  • Resolution: I have started this list but I am going to group certain artists together so I can have a particular focus each week. Also will be gathering particular songs I want to cover so I can practice my guitar skills.

Key changes: I haven’t made many specific changes but I do want to specify that I will be working with the guitar and ukulele, also that my final product will consist of three written songs, one of which will be performed/recorded. And that I will be interviewing song writers along with working with them so I can get a feel of what some people’s personal song writing process is like. Also I will be doing some research through a book called: Writing Better Lyrics by Pat Pattison. 

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