The Goals for my project Include:
- Through the process of making my song, I will become more skilled in music creation and in using Logic Pro
- Learning and becoming familiar with Adobe After Effects
- Learning to work visually alongside music
- Expanding my creative vision into motion and 3-dimensional forms
My Weekly Plan:
Week 1
- Lesson 1-12 of Motion Design Course (Beginning to understand basics of the application)
- Working on song for the final project
Week 2
- Finishing motion design course (By this point I will have a good understanding of the software and the ability to move forward in my project.)
- Finishing song for Final Project
Week 3
- Storyboarding/ planning animated project (Creating sketches of shots and how they will time up with the music)
- If possible begin mapping out in After Effects
Week 4-6
- Creating Final Project in After Effects (These three weeks are very necessary to ensure that I have enough time for obstacles that come up, and the very time-consuming process of creating the animations themselves.)