Ana Ziebarth: Learning Goals & General Work Plan

My goals for my senior project are:

  1. To study various pathologies and paths that lead criminals to commit spree and serial killings (the why and how criminals commit these crimes).
  2. To determine whether or not psychological profiling is necessary for cases; does it do more harm than good? Is it inaccurate?
  3. To talk to people who are experts in the field and gain insight into their opinions on certain cases as well as learning more about what the profession is like.


Week 1:

-relearn material by listening to podcasts, watching videos, reading articles, etc. about psychological profiling

-following free lessons online, using a syllabus from Wesleyan, reading books, etc. study psychology

Week 2:

-continue to relearn material + study psychology

-start studying case #1

Week 3:

-start working on case #2

-continue to relearn material + study psychology

Week 4:

-possibly work on case #3

-continue to relearn material + study psychology

-start conducting interviews and meeting with experts

-start sending out forms about my cases

Week 5 +6:

-conduct interviews with people in legal fields

-send out forms about the cases I’ve worked on and evaluate the responses

-start to put everything together; interviews with people legal field and think about if psychological profiling is necessary

-possibly study how psychological profiling is conveyed in the media

-think about the dangers of profiling and the ways in which profilers can be held accountable

-wrap up everything


Documentation plan:

To document what I’ve been working on, I will write posts about what I’ve learned and create specific posts about each case that I’m working on. I will also list the resources I’ve been using for my specific cases in case anyone is interested in doing research themselves.

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