For my senior project, all the items I need I have with me at home. I have my studio equipment, online courses and classes all exposed to me at my house.
Action Item Area: Because my project is an independent research art project, most of my work can be done at home.
Important Notes: I do plan on coming into school weekly to assure with Nick that I am where I need to be.
Connections: I have reached out already to the three different individuals who will be giving me feedback throughout my process. Reggi Condos, My dad, and most importantly Nick (music teacher)
Timeline: Monday through Friday (3-4h) working in the studio (meeting with Nick on Friday) – Saturday to Sunday first online courses (4h) + more studio time
Notes: I still need to find a singing course to show not only my mixing skills, but how I can get better at the vocal part and show my growth
Action Item Area Idea: Musician Interview
Reason: It could be helpful learning and asking questions to former musicians and get feedback on my own
Notes: Range of instrument players to vocalists to producers (I want to learn from a whole ride variety of different people in the music industry)
Resolution: Need to find the right people who are available