Action item- Space:
- At home
- Reason: Due to the fact that my project is a research-based experience, the majority of my work can be done at a home/any location that I have available.
- Notes: I plan to do my project primarily at home however if I feel that I want to have a change of scenery to allow myself to get a break from indoor research I will be able to move around wherever I choose.
Action item- Connections:
- The connection I have so far is a family friend who worked at the Pentagon who I will be able to work with while doing research.
- Reason: Although my project doesn’t necessarily require any outside connection/ interviewee, I think it would be beneficial to have conversations face to face about personal experiences.
- Notes: My family friend is willing to help me with research and is very much open to doing an interview if I’d want to do that.
Action item- Materials/research:
- (3-4) articles/ documents – found through the national archives website
- (2-3) books – some ideas so far are Glory and The-Dream, A Critical Analysis of the Vietnam War, and Trapped in the War on Terror. However, these can be easily changed as I begin to research.
- (2-3) documentaries. Some of the documentaries I plan on watching include The Fog of War, the Ken Burns WWII documentary, and The Hunt for Bin Laden.
- Reason: The project will be an examination of the provocations of, the United States’ response to, and the evolution of United States war strategies.
- Notes: I plan to use podcasts, interviews, and videos to help break up the amount of reading and annotating I will be doing.
- Resolution: Because I am not tied down to any specific resources, based on what I learn as I get deeper into my research I can easily switch out/ include more sources on the specific (2-3) events per war that I plan to focus on.
Other Action items:
I recently found an online course titled “Masters of War: History’s Greatest Strategic Thinkers” which is taught by Andrew R. Wilson who is a professor at the U.S. Naval War College, and I think it could be a great addition to my project.
Additions to my plan:
If I choose to do this online course, it may mean that I will have to take out some of the books, websites, and documentaries I initially planned on doing.
As was recommended in my project pitch, I plan to focus on 1-2 specific events during the Vietnam War, WWII, and GWOT. This will give me the opportunity to get better, more thorough information.
Olivia, this is excellent. Obviously, your project will grow and transform as you start to puzzle through it.
I wonder if it would be useful for you to do some preliminary research on the military strategies of the Roman and Byzantine Empires. Certainly, whatever strategy we employ was built on the shoulders of those civilizations. I did a quick search and the History Channel has some videos and writing about this. Just a thought.
I wonder if your family friend would be able to put you in contact with other people? As your project takes shape, it’s worth asking.
As an aside, I like how you keep the opportunity open for you to go do your research elsewhere – you’re right, staying in one place too long will give you cabin fever.