Action item- Space:
- At home
- Reason: Due to the fact that my project is a research-based experience, the majority of my work can be done at a home/any location that I have available.
- Notes: I plan to do my project primarily at home however if I feel that I want to have a change of scenery to allow myself to get a break from indoor research I will be able to move around wherever I choose.
Action item- Connections:
- The connection I have so far is a family friend who worked at the Pentagon who I will be able to work with while doing research.
- Reason: Although my project doesn’t necessarily require any outside connection/ interviewee, I think it would be beneficial to have conversations face to face about personal experiences.
- Notes: My family friend is willing to help me with research and is very much open to doing an interview if I’d want to do that.
Action item- Materials/research:
- (3-4) articles/ documents – found through the national archives website
- (2-3) books – some ideas so far are Glory and The-Dream, A Critical Analysis of the Vietnam War, and Trapped in the War on Terror. However, these can be easily changed as I begin to research.
- (2-3) documentaries. Some of the documentaries I plan on watching include The Fog of War, the Ken Burns WWII documentary, and The Hunt for Bin Laden.
- Reason: The project will be an examination of the provocations of, the United States’ response to, and the evolution of United States war strategies.
- Notes: I plan to use podcasts, interviews, and videos to help break up the amount of reading and annotating I will be doing.
- Resolution: Because I am not tied down to any specific resources, based on what I learn as I get deeper into my research I can easily switch out/ include more sources on the specific (2-3) events per war that I plan to focus on.
Other Action items:
I recently found an online course titled “Masters of War: History’s Greatest Strategic Thinkers” which is taught by Andrew R. Wilson who is a professor at the U.S. Naval War College, and I think it could be a great addition to my project.
Additions to my plan:
If I choose to do this online course, it may mean that I will have to take out some of the books, websites, and documentaries I initially planned on doing.
As was recommended in my project pitch, I plan to focus on 1-2 specific events during the Vietnam War, WWII, and GWOT. This will give me the opportunity to get better, more thorough information.