Action Plan – Cole Dorsey

  • Action Item Area: Connection for Sailing Mentorship
  • Reason for Item: In order to experience what learning through a hands-on mentorship is like, I must first establish a connection that allows me to explore learning through that modality. This part is essential to one of my 3 modalities of learning.
  • Notes: I will reach out to Hudson River Community Sailing (HRCS) and contact Alexe Taylor (Youth Sailing Director) and Sunaina Rao (Academic Director) 
  • Resolution: After reaching out to both of these people and conducting a zoom interview describing what my project entails and what is expected of me they have told me that this internship can happen! They have even provided me with an internship outline proposal that I will include below. 


  • Action Item Area: Materials
  • Reason for Item: In order to have the learning experience of teaching myself how to code, I need to outline what materials I will use. 
  • Notes: After researching what books accomplish what type of coding I am hoping to learn I have found the perfect one.
  • Resolution: The book titled, “Automate the boring stuff with python” Is the perfect beginner’s guide for coding in python. I will be able to execute rudimentary python programs by the end of my studies. 

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: Practical Programming for Total  Beginners: Sweigart, Al: 9781593275990: Books

  • Action Item Area: Materials
  • Reason for Item: In order to learn through my hybrid modality of learning (music-making) I will need to gather the proper resources and materials that enable me to pursue music-making.
  • Notes: This means gathering instruments, as well as proper music production software like Logic Pro.
  • Resolution: My house is fully equipped with all of the materials I will need to complete the music portion of this project. I have instruments like guitars, saxophones, basses, pianos, synthesizers as well as a music-making space in my house with all of the proper monitors and speakers. I also have installed Logic Pro on my personal computer. 
  • Action Item Area: Timeline
  • Reason for Item: A timeline will drastically help me stay productive and on track with my senior project. 
  • Notes: As someone who is extremely talented at procrastinating and the best at dragging simple projects out for hours on end, a timeline as well as what weekly goals of what I want to accomplish could be extremely beneficial. 
  • Resolution: As outlined in my senior project pitch, I plan to evenly split my time for each component of my project with 10 hours each week from Monday through Friday. At the start of each week, I will outline what goals I have for that week, whether it be getting a bass line recorded or getting this line of code to execute properly. This will help me stay on track. I will likely need to update this timeline as my project gets closer – I’m not sure if more detail will help me or make me feel trapped in a scheduling nightmare. 


Cole Dorsey Internship Proposal (1)

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