Ruby Hutchins – Learning Goals & General Work Plan and Documentation Plan

Senior Project Goals:

  • Learn how a veterinary hospital/rehabilitation center is run, takes in animals, releases animals, etc.
  • Shadow professional vets and learn from them the most efficient and effective ways to treat different injures in a variety of species
  • Document what I learn and takeaway from this experience, and figure out if this is something I want to continue studying in college, and as a future career


Week 1: April 11 – April 18 –> Start interning at either HVARS or Ravensbeard, check in with the cohorts every Monday and Thursday, continue taking calculus with Manjula twice a week at LREI

Week 2: April 18 – April 25 –> Continue interning at one of these organizations, continue checking in with the cohorts, documenting my learning/experience (through photos, videos, writing, poetry, research) continue taking calculus

Week 3: April 25 – May 2 –> Continue interning and begin or continue to document and reflect on my experience though (through photos, videos, writing, poetry, research, etc.), continue meeting and taking calculus

Week 4: May 2 – May 9 –> At this point might possibly change and intern at a different organization (possibly the SPCA in Poughkeepsie NY) in order to be around different types of animals, different treatment, and different management, continue meeting and taking calculus

Week 5: May 9 – May 16 –> Continue interning, documenting, and reflecting on the experience (through photos, videos, writing, poetry, research), continue meeting and taking calculus

Week 6: May 16 – May 23 –> Finalize reflections and put together photos, videos, writing reflections, poetry and other documentation materials gathered during this 6 week experience, continue interning for this week and taking calculus

Documentation Plan:

To document my work throughout the 5-6 weeks of my senior project, I plan to take photos, videos, as well as reflect on what I’m learning through writing at least a couple of times a week or possibly daily. I also plan to document the research and reading that I do relating to this project. I’ve also enjoyed writing poetry throughout this past trimester and I might want to somehow incorporate poetry into the documentation as well. I then hope to put all of these forms of documentation together into some sort of poster or something else, which would allow me to display it all side by side.


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