Cayla Robbins- Action Plan

  • Action Item Area: Timeline/Materials/Space/Connections/Budget/Research/Other- I already have a few resources picked out for my project, and I just have to actually order them. I talked with Pat, and he said I may just want to get a group of people instead of sending the form out to the whole school, so I think I’m going to start out by sending it to just the 12th grade, and see who wants to participate. With that in mind, I need to figure out what questions I want to put on the form I send out and how I will go about that. Also, I have collected all the magazines I need for the art portion… 
  • I sent out the initial form and got a good number of responses. My next steps in my action plan are to first resend the initial email to see if anyone else wants to be a part of this. After that, I will send out a follow-up email with the instructions. After a week of people logging their dreams, I will send out a form to collect the dreams. Hopefully, this will go on for a couple of weeks. If I end up not getting enough dreams, that’s fine because I realized that I have been logging mine for over 3 years.
  • I need to meet with Karyn about philosophy resources, and I need to find an online course on dream interpretation to do during trimester 3


  • Reason for Item: Research. 

Notes: (My notes from meeting with Pat about my project)

Maybe covid too specific

Maybe dreams dissipated

Symbols totally part of you and totally objective

Very personal

Talk create understand

Encourage others to create art

Art therapy

Don’t impose meaning

Can’t decide what the dream means for them

Create meaning together

Sequence, parts stood out, feelings  that came up,

Can we create art together?

Need a group of people who will be committed

Set intention of remembering dreams

Because we are living in pandemic.  Soaked with pandemic


Go over my own dreams

Don’t worry that something sounds crazy


Won’t share that with others

  • Resolution: 

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