Proposal Pitch – Cole Dorsey

  1. What is your guiding, underlying question?

How can learning through different mediums, like hands-on settings with others or individualized learning done online, lead to more productive learning?

    1. Include any sub-questions you have identified.       

What environments do I learn best in? What does it mean to become a productive learner? What modalities of learning excite me most? How might undertaking this project set me up for success in college? How might I apply what I learn to alter my learning process?  What does it mean to become a productive learner? How might this project influence my day-to-day habits?

  1. Why do these questions matter? Are they connected to some prior experience? Curiosity? Wonder? What’s the story?

I have always been curious about what type of learner I am and what type of learning piques my interest. Realizing that once I am out of a formal schooling setting, it is entirely up to me to continue lifelong learning inspired my senior project. I realized that I ought to discover what modalities of learning excite me most so that I set myself up for success when it is no longer required of me that I learn.

  1. What if any steps, experiences, or products have you identified as necessary for answering your essential question?I have established three different “learning experiences” that are crucial for answering my essential question. These three experiences are three different types of learning, one of them is a hands-on mentorship, another is a digital individual project, and my final one is a hybrid of both hands-on/digital and individual/mentorship.
  2. What form do you propose your project take? Explain what you already know about the area of study or professional field you will be immersed in. Describe how you hope to spend your time during Senior Project. (This should be largely the same idea you’ve developed based on your feasibility work.)I hope to spend my project immersed in all three of my projects equally. I plan to spend 10 hours each week on each component. That means 10 hours at my sailing center mentorship, 10 hours teaching myself how to code, and 10 hours creating and producing music by myself and with my father as a partial mentor. While I won’t have a strict schedule for doing x amount of hours coding today, I will have an hour goal for the week and make sure that I hit that goal. I also plan to continue to participate occasionally in the Jazz Ensemble at LREI that meets each Wednesday.
    1. For independent projects, your proposal should include the space(s) where you will work and a preliminary schedule as well as the body of work you plan to accomplish.My project is very much not a product-oriented one, but rather a process-oriented project. As such I will be reflecting often on the process of learning in each different environment. I will do coding and music production at my house and the hours at my sailing mentorship will take place at their boathouse on the west side highway and 26th st.
    2. How will you document the story of your project? What products will you produce?I plan to do weekly reflections that analyze what the learning experience was like for me that week. Noticing what environments/experiences are better suited for me and which I prefer. Again like I said, my project is very much not a product-oriented one, but rather a process-oriented project.
  3. What do you hope to learn through this experience? How do you see the proposed experience addressing your essential question? How will you know you have had a successful project? How will you tell the story of your project?

I hope to learn about myself as a learner and ultimately have the tools to set myself up for success as a lifelong learner. My project is the perfect experience that addresses my problem because it allows me to experience 3 different styles of learning and then reflect on them. I know I will have had a successful project when I have 6 reflections that analyze my experiences and help discover what type of learner I am. This project will allow me to learn about myself. I plan to document my project thoroughly with photos and weekly in-depth reflections that analyze my week at a glance.


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